Friday, October 1, 2010

Hello World!

When I went to college, I studied computer science.  And whenever you were learning a new programming language, you always started by writing a "Hello World" program. It's a simple program that teaches you how to make the computer speak to the world - input and output.  It's your entrance into the new environment through a new means of communication. I want my 'communicating out' party into Blogger to be a positive one, so I want to "create my day" like Dr. Joe Dispenza says:

"I wake up in the morning and I consciously create my day the way I want it to happen. Now sometimes, because my mind is examining all the things that I need to get done, it takes me a little bit to settle down and get to the point of where I'm actually intentionally creating my day. But here's the thing: When I create my day and out of nowhere little things happen that are so unexplainable, I know that they are the process or the result of my creation. And the more I do that, the more I build a neural net in my brain that I accept that that's possible. (This) gives me the power and the incentive to do it the next day.

"So if we're consciously designing our destiny, and if we're consciously from a spiritual standpoint throwing in with the idea that our thoughts can affect our reality or affect our life -- because reality equals life -- then I have this little pact that I have when I create my day. I say, 'I'm taking this time to create my day and I'm infecting the quantum field. Now if (it) is in fact the observer's watching me the whole time that I'm doing this and there is a spiritual aspect to myself, then show me a sign today that you paid attention to any one of these things that I created, and bring them in a way that I won't expect, so I'm as surprised at my ability to be able to experience these things. And make it so that I have no doubt that it's come from you,' ..."

So "What we think, we become." - Zen quote
And... "Don't seek, don't search, don't ask, don't knock, don't demand - relax. If you relax, it comes. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it." -  Osho

That's the meaning of Thanksgiving... Thanks for the gifts that have already been given. You just need to awaken to see/receive them.
Today will be a day about compassion. And being new to Blogger, from a compassionate heart:

"Hello World" 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you in the blogosphere! An excellent first post!
