Monday, March 10, 2014

Completely Now

The Path

The Art of the Possible

Once we realize that ‘it is all invented’, imagined and our thoughts, emotions create our present moment and our reality, you can then step into the realm of the possible; the quantum probability cloud of potential.  Though some people think that creating your reality is new-age nonsense, it is still very true that we can create new possibilities by eliminating our limiting beliefs.  When you remove limiting beliefs, you change your behavior, thoughts, feelings and that actually changes the reality you live in and possibility opens up for you.  It was always there, but now you can see it. Rather than limiting your view in a world of measurement toward a goal, you set a context and let life unfold across the many opportunities.

The possibilities that exist in your reality are defined by your beliefs. When you say something is impossible it will actually become impossible for you. If you believe Life is difficult, Everything is a mess, you will experience things not going the way you wanted them to go because that is where you are focusing your attention.  In fact, psychologist Ellen Langer’s early study in 1959 with elderly men placed in a nostalgic setting has shown that fixed ideas, internalized in childhood, can even affect the way we age!  “Wherever you put the mind, the body will follow,” she said.  And, “At the end of the study, I was playing football—touch, but still football—with these men, some of whom gave up their canes” … “It is not our physical state that limits us,” she explains—it is our mindset about our own limits, our perceptions, that draws the lines in the sand for us.

While learning how to race motorcycles at Superbike School they would say to look to where you want to go; look for the exit of the turn.  If you look at that pothole or tar snake, you will surely hit it.  In fact, I like to use what I call the Driver’s Training School approach to life including “aim high in steering” and “get the big picture” You open up the realm of possibility by aiming high and seeing the big picture.  You enable choice and are also more likely to hit the target you desire as it comes into your present moment.  Keeping your eyes moving allows you to maneuver the changes in the road and generate more possibility.  While ‘making sure they know you’re there’ and ‘having an out’ avoids collision.  You raise your awareness and focus on things as they enter your present moment; mindfully.

Genuinely giving your attention to the present moment, authentically with gratitude raises  joyfulness.  Remaining mindful, centered, and harmonious to whatever challenges you are presented will enable you to peacefully coexist with the change of time. The better you manage your mind and spirit, the less of a hold will the passing of time have on you. “Every moment can be lived fully, free and unconditionally, and every moment holds infinite possibilities and opportunities for a fresh start.”  This heightened awareness, or consciousness is what Lama Surya Das calls Buddha Standard Time—the dimension of timeless time, wholly and completely now.

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